Where We Are Now: March 18, 2020

Closing Bell — Work From Home Day 3 — More Must Read: Sound Bites from Some of Our Best Professionals — 5PM

Team – 

Again, a wild ride today. At the time of this writing, DOW Futures were up nearly 600 points for tomorrow.

I vividly remember managing our brokerage business from 2008 – 2011 during extremely volatile times.  I remember meeting with a hundred different clients and their real estate professionals. Everyone had their own “story.” One day, reflecting on all of it with our Marin County team, one of our professionals said, “When the sky falls, everyone gets hit in the head.”  So true, and what it really means is we are all in this together.

As I mentioned in my Monday email, we need to remember to meet our family, colleagues, clients and friends “where they are.” Where they are is not a geographical location but an emotional, mental or financial place. Remember that listening is way more powerful than talking!

Our closings this week in NorCal and SoCal are tracking at an impressive pace vs expectations. Tomorrow afternoon we will issue clear, concise facts on new escrows, closings and cancellations. These are designed to help you facilitate client communication. Keep an eye out for them.

I have attached more sound bites from the field. This afternoon from Jack Ryder, Patti Cohen and F. Ron Smith. Please open and read as they are similar to experiences all of you have daily. Ron’s team notes reflect exceptional ideas for running your business.

Below is an e-mail from Craig Strong about “how you show-up in difficult times.” Exceptional perspective and shared direct from Craig’s experience:

What just happened?  Just a couple weeks ago, life was amazing and promising and now, doom and gloom? All we can do is get through this together.  This is another turning point in our lives.  Who are we?  Not as real estate agents but as individuals?  Look at your actions today and how you react to this time with yourself, friends and strangers.  It’s a turning point.  We will get through this as we did in 2008 when we all got hit in the gut.  Be your best today. Step up who you are, so when you look back on this time, you will be proud of yourself.  That’s how I look back on 2008-2011. I did right by the people who were suffering, and they always tell the stories when I see them.  Let’s all look back at this time one day and be proud of ourselves.  You will come out of this with a whole new perspective on life and business.  It will be amazing again.  Take care.  Be safe and help whenever you can.  Craig Strong, 1-818-987-9700, craig@strongrealtor.com.

I am fortunate to have Whitney (21) and Jack (her boyfriend) home from Denver (indefinitely – uh-oh). Our project tonight is to cook enchiladas. Get some rest, enjoy friends and family! 

Tomorrow is another day!
Mark A McLaughlin