From London to San Francisco, Kevin has spent over 30 years managing and developing residential and mixed-use properties. A passion since childhood, there is nothing more enticing than architecture, construction and design for Kevin. From working with investors, planners, architects, engineers and contractors, Kevin has been intimately involved in the creation of countless cutting-edge mutli-family development projects, from converting old warehouses into live-work lofts in London to building custom townhouses in Emeryville inspired by custom architecture in Amsterdam. This body of work represents the vast foundation of his real estate knowledge, experience and expertise that be brings to every client and every transaction. Here's just a small sample of some of the many development projects he has worked on throughout his 32+ year real estate career.
When the real estate markets crashed in 2008, and without any possbibility of raising debt or equity to commence another residential development project, Kevin made a fundamentally successful piviot: the bay area foreclosure markets of single family homes offered a new opportunity out of the "Great Recession" crisis. Raising private equity funds of nearly $20mn, Kevin set about buying over 125 foreclosed homes across Solano County, renovating and remodeling each and every one before selling them to buyers with FHA loans that were not caught up in the crash. In 2013, as the markets improved, Kevin completed reonovations on the last 30 homes and moved them into a long term rental investment portfolio, which he continues to hold and manage to this day. Nearly 10 years later, the homes have appreciated 3-4x their original values and continue to produce yields of over 14% per annum. Here are just a few of those homes that he continues to manage.