• Americans Are Upbeat About Housing and the Economy as the First Quarter Ends

    30 March, 2017

    Americans Are Upbeat About Housing and the Economy as the First Quarter Ends

    The first quarter of 2017 officially wraps up tomorrow, and consumers are feeling good about the state of the economy and the housing market, even as more mortgage-rate hikes loom. The National Association of Realtors’ first-quarter Housing Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) Survey found that 62 percent of Americans believe that the economy is improving, compared with 48 percent who said the same thing one...

  • Top Mortgage Closing Complaint: Paperwork Is Lengthy, Rushed, Confusing

    8 September, 2015

    Top Mortgage Closing Complaint: Paperwork Is Lengthy, Rushed, Confusing

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  • Bay Area Job Growth Keeps on Truckin’

    8 September, 2015

    Bay Area Job Growth Keeps on Truckin’

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  • Bay Area Closes Out 2013 With Strong Yearly Home Price Gains

    8 September, 2015

    Bay Area Closes Out 2013 With Strong Yearly Home Price Gains

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